New Delhi: US President Donald Trump did not mention 'Kashmir' in his speech during  the 'Howdy Modi!' event in Houston on Sunday. Although, he hit out at "radical Islamic terrorism" and recognised India's right like America's to protect its borders. The President said during his address at the NRG Stadium in Texas said, "Both India and the United States also understand that to keep our communities safe, we must protect our borders."  Without mincing his words, Trump outlined that both India and the United States are committed to protecting innocent civilians from "radical Islamic terrorism". He received a standing ovation from the crowd, which also included Prime Minister Narendra Modi in whose honour the event was held.

The comment holds importance as India recently abrogated Article 370 which accorded special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan has tried raking up the matter internationally, even as India has reiterated time and again that its move in J&K is entirely a matter of its internal affairs.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India had bid "farewell" to Article 370 that went against people-centric development in Jammu and Kashmir and attacked Pakistan for making hatred towards India the hub of its governance and for fostering terrorism. He said this with US President Donald Trump listening keenly.

Watch | Important Highlights From Donald Trump’s Speech

Apart from these, investment and defence featured prominently in Trump's speech at the mega event, which showcased the close ties shared between Washington and New Delhi. The camaraderie shared by the two leaders came to the fore during Sunday's event, right from Modi walking with Trump to the event's stage upon the US President's arrival at the stadium to the victory lap taken by Modi-Trump, hand in hand, towards the end of the community summit.

Imran Khan To Meet Donald Trump Today

Pakistan PM Imran Khan will meet US President Donald Trump today, a day after the latter joined Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the mega "Howdy Modi" event in Houston on Sunday. This will be Khan’s first meeting with Trump after the US president offered to help India and Pakistan resolve the Kashmir issue earlier this month. Trump will again hold a meeting with PM Modi in New York on Tuesday, a senior official said.

Both the meetings with the leaders of India and Pakistan would be held in New York on the sidelines of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly, a senior administration official told reporters on Friday in a preview of Trump's engagements in the Big Apple next week.

(With inputs from agencies)