New Delhi: A knife-wielding man hijacked a bus in China steering it to a deadly accident in southeastern China's Fujian Province, killing at least eight people and injuring 22. Those killed included a policeman.

The hijacked bus crashed into a group of pedestrians on the streets, leading to casualties, after the bus driver was attacked by the hijacker.

“Eight dead and 22 injured after a hijacked bus crashes into pedestrians,” state television CGTN tweeted. A suspect, who had a knife, has been detained and an investigation is underway. The attacker was not identified by the police.

"The 48-year-old male suspect is believed to have had a personal grudge with a community official," the channel said, citing local police's primary investigation.

In the pictures and footages circulating online, people could be seen lying injured on the ground. His motive for the attack has yet to be established.

China in recent years has witnessed such attacks, which were attributed to disgruntled people. Random knife attackers in the past have targeted kindergarten schools in several cities, PTI reported.

CGTN also shared a video of the event from its official Twitter handle. Check here: