Kabul [Afghanistan], Aug 23 (ANI): In the wake of the Pakistan government's vision to establish better bilateral relations with its neighbours, Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani demanded an explanation from Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on the recent Taliban attack in Ghazni city.

During the address, Ghani had alleged that Taliban insurgents, injured in the encounter with Afghan forces during the attack, were being treated in hospitals in Pakistan. He also alleged that militants from Pakistan side of the border were also a part of the attack, days after Khan assured assistance to Afghanistan to combat terrorism.

Ghani further countered Pakistan Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa on his assurance of peace.

"General Bajwa, you signed a document with us and told me repeatedly in our conversations over the phone that when the elections [in Pakistan] are over you will pay attention to it. I need answers now. ... From where they came and why are they receiving treatment in your hospitals?" the Voice of America quoted Ghani, as saying.

However, the Pakistani Army Chief denied the country's involvement in the attack.

"COAS reiterates that there is no support to any terrorist activity inside Afghanistan from Pakistan side. The alleged return of injured/dead terrorists from Ghazni is incorrect." General Bajwa added.

Earlier this month, more than 100 people were killed and over 150 others injured in an attack by the Taliban in Ghazni. Soon after, the Afghan President had visited the war-affected city to take stock of the situation and ordered an investigation into the attacks.

During his maiden speech as Prime Minister, Khan underscored that Islamabad wished to improve its relations with its neighbouring countries, adding that through the National Action Plan (NAP), his government would leave no stone unturned in combating terrorism. (ANI)

This story has not been edited. It has been published as provided by ANI