The day before his big visit to India for the G20 Summit, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday shared a pirate-style photo of himself on the microblogging platform X, formerly Twitter, after he sustained injuries during a jogging session. Scholz was seen donning a black pirate-style eye patch while dark red bruises could be seen on the right side of his face caused by a jogging accident during the weekend. While sharing the image, Scholz wrote, “I am excited to see the memes.”

To ease any possible worries over his health, the German Chancellor in his post also wrote “Thanks for the well wishes, it looks worse than it is!”

Earlier on Saturday, Scholz was jogging when he fell and sustained injuries to his face. He had to cancel some appointments this weekend after this incident. His spokesperson while talking to reporters in Berlin on Monday said that the chancellor was doing well considering the circumstances, as reported by the news agency Associated Press.

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His spokesperson, Steffen Hebestreit, earlier in the day said, “He was in quite a good mood this morning, but still looks a bit battered.” He added that the photo was published “so that everyone can get used to how he will look in the next week or two.”

In a profile on Scholz's party website, he said that he hated sports when he was at school, however, later he acquired a liking for it from his wife, Britta Ernst. He said, “Today I jog as often as I can,” as reported by the news agency AP.

The German Chancellor will arrive in India for the G20 Summit 2023 slated to take place in New Delhi from September 8 to 10.

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