In a spine chilling incident which unfolded in the Minneapolis City of Minnesota, United States on Monday evening, a 46-year-old African-American man named George Floyd was murdered by a police officer Derek Chauvin.

Surveillance videos going viral around the incident on social media showed a handcuffed Floyd being led away after possibly trying to pass a counterfeit bill. What caught everyone's attention was a video circulated by onlookers which shows Chauvin pressing his knee on Floyd's neck for several minutes while he constantly cried out for help. Chauvin did not pay heed Floyd's cries and people's protests, only stopping when Floyd was unresponsive.

Thousand of American citizens, including leading NBA stars like Stephen Curry, Lebron James, actors, expressed their anger, frustration and dismay through social media, enraged at the brutal act of the cop which led to George's death

Floyd's inhuman death led to scores of protesters gathering in Minneapolis , at the spot where he was killed, despite the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in force by the authorities. Though Chauvin was fired from his post with a promise from Mayor Jacob Frey that it was the 'right call', protests continued both online and offline.

Steph Curry Expresses Anger On George Floyd's murder

Stephen Curry's post exposed the grave reality about how African American citizens were being treated in the United States and about the reality everyone is living in. Though he thinks it is 'all good' when one speaks up about their frustration and anger, it did not change anything as Floyd did not deserve to die, had a family and was murdered like his life did not matter.

Steph Curry's former teammate Matt Barnes replied to his post on George Floyd post, saying no one has summed it better than the Golden State Warriors star.

Head coach Steve Kerr also spoke about the incident. He referred to Floyd's murder, which came after the shooting of jogger Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, as something that goes 'very deep' in the nation’s soul.

LeBron James also shared his thoughts through Instagram, reminding everyone of NFL star Colin Kaepernick's peaceful protest where he kneeled down to raise his voice against police brutality in the USA.

Retired NFL star Chris Long and former WNBA star Lisa Leslie are few others who chose to speak up about the incident.