Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday met with the President of the United States Joe Biden, on the sidelines of the G-20 Leaders' Summit in Bali. They discussed the evolution of the two countries' strategic partnership, as well as collaboration in future-oriented industries such as crucial and emerging technologies, advanced computing, and artificial intelligence, as per an official statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). 

"They reviewed the continuing deepening of India - US strategic partnership including cooperation in future-oriented sectors like critical and emerging technologies, advanced computing, artificial intelligence, etc," the statement read. 

"They were pleased with India and the United States' tight cooperation in new groups such as the Quad, I2U2, and so on," as per the statement. 

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or Quad, is a strategic security dialogue between Australia, India, Japan, and the United States that is maintained through bilateral talks. India, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States comprise the I2U2 Group. The group's first joint statement was issued earlier this year in July.

The two presidents spoke about current global and regional developments. PM Modi thanked President Biden for his constant support for India-US cooperation.

PM Modi also expressed optimism that the two countries would continue to work closely together during India's G-20 presidency.

"The two leaders discussed topical global and regional developments. PM Modi thanked President Biden for his constant support for strengthening the India-US partnership. He expressed confidence that both countries would continue to maintain close coordination during India’s G-20 Presidency," the statement read. 

India is currently a member of the G20 Troika (the current, prior, and upcoming G20 Presidency), which includes Indonesia, Italy, and India.

ALSO READ: G20 Summit: PM Modi, US President Joe Biden Share Light-Hearted Moments In Bali | WATCH

Bilateral relations between India and the United States have evolved into a "global strategic partnership" based on shared democratic values and increasing convergence of interests on bilateral, regional, and global concerns, according to a brief on the two countries' relationship issued by MEA. 

As the G20 Summit commenced in Bali, Indonesia, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden shared a few laughs. The Prime Minister's office shared a photo of the two world leaders smiling and shaking hands.

Earlier on Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is in Bali for the G20 summit, was greeted by a swarm of Indians as he arrived. Modi was greeted at the airport with a traditional and colourful greeting. Later, he stated that he is looking forward to discussing global concerns with world leaders during his visit.