Islamabad: There has been a fresh wave of terror attacks in Pakistan following a deadlock in talks with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in Kabul, Afghanistan, to formulate a mutual agreement of an indefinite ceasefire in terror activities. Pakistan's security forces, religious clerics and tribal elders have been involved in months-long negotiations with the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). However, a recent failed trip of Pakistan's religious clerics has triggered a spurt in terror attacks in the country. 

Recently, at least three security personnel and a civilian were killed in a suicide attack in Mir Ali tehsil of North Waziristan district in Pakistan’s Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province. At least seven security personnel were also seriously injured in the attack that targeted on a convoy of security forces in the country’s borderline area with Afghanistan. 

The suicide attack is a first in many months and holds importance amid the ongoing talks between Pakistani authorities and the TTP, held in Kabul, facilitated by the Afghan Taliban. 

North Waziristan District Police Officer (DPO) Farhan Khan said the suicide attack targeted a convoy of security forces near the Patsi Adda area when it was heading towards Bannu from Miranshah. 

"The suicide attacker came in rikshaw. When the convoy came within the range, the attacker rammed his rikshaw into the vehicle of security forces, causing an explosion. Four people were martyred and seven security personnel seriously injured," said DPO Miranshah Farhan. 

The martyred and the injured were shifted to Mir Ali Hospital as security forces surrounded and cordoned off the area to initiate search operation.  

Pakistani authorities, the TTP, religious clerics and tribal leaders of the bordering areas have been meeting in Serena Hotel, Kabul, and have been in negotiations to agree to the terms and conditions aimed at halting terror activities, attacks, ambushes and other means of attacks in different parts of the country by the TTP. 

The TTP has put forward several demands, including release of their leaders from Pakistani jails, compensation to families of the killed TTP militants, imposition of Shariah law in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), reversal of the merger of FATA with Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province and removal of Pakistani check posts. 

Many of them have been agreed and implemented by the Pakistani government and authorities. 

Recently, a delegation of Pakistani religious clerics traveled to Kabul to be part of the ongoing negotiations. However, there was a deadlock as Taliban leadership refused to ease down on their harsh and rigid stand against the Pakistani security forces and their demands. 

Moreover, while the peace talks were ongoing, senior leader of TTP Omar Khalid Khorasani was killed in a blast in eastern Afghanistan after he reportedly had made forward movement towards the Durand Line and was targeted on August 7, 2022. 

TTP confirmed the killing of its senior commander Khorasani and vowed to continue it activities of targeting military installations, security forces and others parts of Pakistan. 

TTP said that just like it defeated its enemy on the Afghan side of the border, it will defeat its enemy on the other side of the border also.