The half-sister of former US President Barack Obama, Auma Obama, was among the protesters who were tear-gassed on Tuesday during protests outside the parliament building in Kenya’s Nairobi, news agency Reuters reported, citing CNN.

A part of Kenya’s parliament building was set on fire on Tuesday as protestors gathered in thousands to showcase their objection to a new finance bill that would raise taxes.

Amid the raging protests, the police were forced to open fire on the demonstrators after tear gas and water cannons could not disperse the crowds, Reuters reported. This left at least three dead and several others injured, news agency Associated Press reported.

At least five protesters were killed, dozens wounded, and sections of the parliament building set ablaze as lawmakers inside passed legislation to raise taxes. Auma Obama was taken aside by a CNN reporter and asked why she was there.

"I'm here because—look at what's happening. Young Kenyans are demonstrating for their rights. They're demonstrating with flags and banners. I can't even see anymore," she said. She was beginning to cough and shield her eyes from the spreading smoke. "We are being tear-gassed."

A man behind her carried a sign reading, "Colonialism never ended in Kenya," while another yelled, "This is our country. This is our nation," Reuters reported, citing CNN. Auma Obama earlier posted photos of herself on Twitter at the protest. The office of former US President Obama did not immediately return a call seeking comment on the incident involving his sister in Kenya.

A Reuters report stated that protesters overwhelmed the police and chased them away in a bid to enter into the parliament's compund. Kenya's Citizen TV reported that the demonstrators had managed to storm the Senate chamber, earlier today.

The AP report stated that the citizens had demanded that the legislators cast their vote against the new bill imposing fresh taxes in Kenya, which is East Africa's economic hub. For years, tensions have been simmering in the county over the high cost of living here.

ALSO READ: Kenya's Parliament Set Ablaze Amid Protests Against New Tax Raise Bill, India Issues Advisory For Nationals