NEW DELHI: Former Pakistani High Commissioner to India, Abdul Basit on Monday landed in an embarrassing situation after a goof-up on Twitter. He retweeted a photo of an adult film star while passing it off as a Kashmiri man who lost his vision due to pellet injury.

Pakistan based journalist Naila Inayat tweeted screenshots of the post saying, "Former Pakistani High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit, mistakes Johnny Sins for a Kashmiri man who lost vision from pellet.”

“Unreal times these, really" she further added.

In Inayat's screenshots, Abdul Basit is seen retweeting a tweet with a picture and a message, "Yousuf from Ananthnag,,,lost vision due from pellet...pls raise your voice."

However, it seems that he later deleted the tweet. This is not the first time Pakistanis have indulged in such goof-ups.

Relations between India and Pakistan have worsened in recent times, especially after the February 14 Pulwama terror attack in Jammu and Kashmir that killed 40 jawans of the Central Reserve Police Force.

(agency inputs)

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