US President Donald Trump launched yet another scathing attack on China over the coronavirus pandemic, terming it as the 'China Virus', and calling it a vicious and dangerous illness while giving an update on his govt's response to combatting the lethal pandemic in the United States.

The "China virus", Trump said, is a vicious and dangerous illness.

"It's a nasty, horrible disease that should've never been allowed to escape China, but it did. It infected the world, and the world is suffering. But we're going to get it taken care of, and we're helping lots of other countries," the US president said.

Trump gave a thumbs up of sorts to the United States for leading the world in terms of COVID-19 testing while also lauded India's rapidly growing testing mechanism which saw them occupy the second position, President Donald Trump said while giving an update on his administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Replying to a question, Trump said the US is "leading the world" in terms of COVID-19 testing.

"We're going to be over 50 million tests," he said, adding that "second country is India with 12 million (tests). Then you have seven million, six million, and four million. I think that we are doing a tremendous amount of testing.

"As one family, we mourn every precious life that's been lost. I pledge in their honour that we will develop a vaccine and we will defeat the virus. We're doing very well with vaccine development and therapeutic development," Trump said at a White House news conference on Tuesday, his first on coronavirus after several weeks.

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Trump also said his administration will work relentlessly and stop at nothing to save lives and shield the vulnerable.

"We've learned so much about this disease. And we know who the vulnerable are, and we are going to indeed shield them," he said.

Trump also gave a sense of assurance that the vaccines against the novel coronavirus will be coming a lot sooner than expected.

The United States has been the worst affected nation from the Coronavirus with over 140,000 Americans succumbing due to the highly infectious virus, besides 3.8 million have tested positive. While the US economy is slowly coming back to normal, the pandemic is now spreading in the Sun Belt of the country.