Former US President Donald Trump has filed the paperwork and announced his candidacy to run for President for the second time in 2024. “In order to make America great and glorious again, I am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the United States,” Trump said. “My fellow citizens, America’s comeback starts right now,” Trump said at the beginning of his speech at Florida private club.


Trump officially launched his campaign after filing papers with the FEC declaring himself a candidate for the presidency and forming a campaign committee. "We will defeat the radical left Democrats that are trying to destroy our country from within,” the former President said in his speech, according to the Guardian report.

“This campaign will be about issues, vision and success, and we will not stop, we will not quit, until we’ve achieved the highest goals and made our country greater than it has ever been before,” Trump added.


The 76-year-old leader's bid for Presidency comes after Republicans lost key midterm races that prompted leaders in the party to blame Trump.

“Two years ago, when I left office, the United States stood ready for its golden age,” said Trump, who emerged as the first major contender from either party to formally declare. 

Trump charged Biden for mishandling the economy. “In two years, the Biden administration has destroyed the US economy. Destroyed,” he added. “We are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation for millions of Americans,” said Trump, according to the CNBC report. “I will ensure Joe Biden does not receive four more years,” Trump added while listing some of his disputed accomplishments including the tackling of the coronavirus pandemic.

If Trump ends up winning the Republican nomination, he is likely to face President Joe Biden in a rematch of the 2020 presidential contest. However, Biden is yet to formally announce his reelection campaign.