New Delhi: The economic crisis in Sri Lanka is deepening as the country's top medical professionals body declared an emergency health situation Tuesday due to severe drug shortage, reported BBC news.

According to the Daily Mirror, a decision was taken in this regard after the Medical Officers' Association (GMOA) held an emergency general committee meeting.

The declaration implies that state healthcare facilities, which a majority of Sri Lankan's depend on, will carry out services only on a priority basis.

"Our branch union leaders gathered here announced that there is a severe shortage of essential medicines and other medical equipment at all hospitals and healthcare places across the island, due to power cuts and severe fuel shortages, daily essential patients in hospitals. It has been very difficult to even run care services," read the press release by GMOA Secretary Dr Shenal Fernando.

"The committee formed at the hospital level decided to determine the action required to be used with limitless management of medicines and equipment in the hospital system, giving priority for emergency and essential treatment in accordance with the same situation," he added.

Fernando also slammed the government for having failed to prevent breakdown of healthcare services in the country.

"It is a serious negligence that the Ministry of Health’s failure to make necessary pre-planning despite the prediction of this crisis that is particularly risking the lives of the public," the statement read further.

ALSO READ: Sri Lanka Economic Crisis: How India Is Helping The Island Nation And Handling Lankan Refugee Influx At Home

Sri Lanka is fighting sever economic and foreign exchange crisis that has led to protests in the country. There are demands of resignation from President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his government.

The Sri Lankan cabinet has resigned, but President Rajapaksa is not willing to go. He, however, said Tuesday that he is willing to hand over the power to any party that proves its majority in Parliament.

After protests broke out in the country, the Sri Lankan Parliament will convene for the first time today. Speaker, Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena will conduct a vote to determine which party gains absolute majority of 113 seats in the 225-member assembly, reported news agency ANI.