New Delhi/ New York: United State remains to be the worst-affected country with death toll from the deadly Coronavirus pandemic surging passed 50,000-mark on Friday, as per a report by  Johns Hopkins University. As many as 50,031 people have now died in the US from COVID-19 since the start of the global health crisis, with more than 8,70,000 confirmed cases so far.

Deaths in New York City from Coronavirus reached 16,388 today, a study has shown that at least one in five persons or 1.9 million there may have had the disease.

About 8,75,000 Americans have contracted the highly contagious respiratory illness Covid-19 caused by the virus, and on average about 2,000 have died every day this month, according to a tally by news agency Reuters.

WATCH REPORT | Death Toll Rises To 50,000 Mark In America

The true number of cases is thought to be higher, with state public health officials cautioning that shortages of trained workers and materials have limited testing capacity.

Reports hint that even deaths are likely higher, as most states only count hospital and nursing home victims and not those who died at home. Around  40 per cent of the deaths have occurred in New York state, the epicenter of the US outbreak, followed by New Jersey, Michigan and Massachusetts.

Last week, the country recorded two consecutive days of high death tolls -- 4,591 on Thursday and 3,856 on Friday. Outside of those two days, Thursday's toll of 3,176 marked the deadliest day yet in any country amid the global pandemic which has claimed nearly 1,90,000 lives.

Despite the alarming figures and significant surge in Covid-19 cases, several US states such as Georgia and Texas were preparing to reopen some businesses as they started lifting lockdown measures.

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The health care professionals, across the country, are still struggling with shortages of necessary protective equipment in their efforts to treat patients infected with the novel Coronavirus.

Across the world, there are more than 2.7 million confirmed cases and over 1,92,000 deaths. The hardest hit continent is Europe, with 1,16,221 deaths and 12,96,248 cases.

After United States, country with most deaths are Italy with 25,549, Spain with 22,157, France with 21,856 and Britain with 18,738.

(With inputs from agencies)