New Delhi: In a warning to the countries across the globe, the World Health Organisation, said that the situation of the pandemic is getting worse at a global scale. He asked the countries with decreasing number of cases to not think that the problem is over and not to stop counteracting the virus. He said that any complacency in this regard would be very threatening. Also Read: ICMR's Serosurvey: 30% Population In Containment Zones Exposed To COVID-19 And Silently Recovered
WHO chief Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said during a briefing, that the WHO has registered almost 7 million cases of Covid-19 and almost 400,000 deaths. He said that even though the situation in Europe in improving, it is “getting worse on a global scale.” Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus noted at a press briefing that about 75% of cases reported to the United Nations’ health agency came from 10 countries in the Americas and South Asia. He also said that more than 100,000 cases have surfaced in the nine out of the last ten days. He stressed that the number of fresh cases reported on Sunday, which is 136,000 cases, is the biggest number of cases so far. Also Read : World Bank Predicts Worst Recession Since World War II, Global Economy To Shrink By 5.2% He said that many countries in Africa are still seeing an increase in cases, including new geographic areas, even though most countries on the continent have fewer than 1,000 cases. “At the same time, we're encouraged that several countries around the world are seeing positive signs, Tedros said. In these countries, the biggest threat now is complacency,” he said at the briefing. It is to be noted that India is at the fifth position in the world in number of cases. In terms of maximum cases recorded in the last seven days, India is at third position: Countries with maximum confirmed cases in last 7 days: (source WHO)
Brazil 174,406
United States 158,190
India 66,076
Russian Federation 61,780
Peru 36,087
Chile 34,462
Pakistan 31,211
Mexico 26,107
Iran 20,323
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