Islamabad, Jul 22 (PTI): Pakistan’s National Security Advisor Dr Moeed Yusuf on Thursday said that Islamabad was committed to Afghan peace and "idiotic statements" by "some spoilers" in Afghanistan will not affect its support for peace and stability of the war-torn nation.

Yusuf's remarks were in reference to a recent tweet by Afghan Vice President Amrullah Saleh who shared a picture of Pakistan Army's surrender to India after the 1971 war with a caption that "Afghanistan won’t have a picture like this." Responding to the tweet, Yusuf, in a series of tweets, said, “Afghanistan is being embarrassed daily due to these idiotic statements. Afghans should rest assured that everyone can see through the nefarious agenda of these spoilers. We will not let a handful of venomous minds affect Pakistan’s support to ALL Afghans for peace and stability.” “Vitriolic & delusional statements from some spoilers in Kabul who, unfortunately for our Afghan brothers and sisters, are imposed on them as their senior officials & are constantly attempting to vitiate bilateral relations on purpose to deflect attention from their own failures,” he said in another tweet.

Yusuf said that Pakistan was committed to Afghan peace.

“Pakistan remains committed to facilitating an inclusive political settlement in Afghanistan. In this spirit, Prime Minister Imran Khan agreed to meet President Ghani recently to continue our engagement,” he tweeted.

Saleh has been on the forefront in issuing provocative statements and is seen in Pakistan as one of the alleged "spoilers" who are trying to thwart peace efforts.

He recently accused the Pakistan Air Force of providing support to the Taliban after they captured a key border post.

Relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan have deteriorated and the alleged abduction of the daughter of Afghan ambassador in Islamabad has further damaged the ties. The two countries have called back their ambassadors after last week's incident. PTI SH RS AKJ RS

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