New Delhi: China on Wednesday will reopen its borders to foreign tourists for the first time in three years since the COVID-19 pandemic erupted. Beijing said that it will start re-issuing all categories of visas starting from Wednesday, reported the news agency Reuters.

This news of removing the last cross-border control measure to guard against COVID-19 comes approximately a month after the authorities declared victory over the virus. This decision is part of a larger effort to normalise two-way travel between China and the rest of the world.

The foreign ministry announced on Tuesday that visa-free entrance will once again be available in parts of China that did not require them before the pandemic. This will include the southern tourist island of Hainan, a long-time favourite destination among Russians, as well as cruise ships passing through Shanghai port. 

Guangdong, China's most prosperous province, will once again allow foreigners from Hong Kong and Macau to enter without a visa. This will be a boon for high-end hotels that cater to international business travellers.

However, the insiders of the tourism sector do not expect a massive influx of visitors in the short run or a significant boost to the economy. In 2019, international tourism receipts accounted for just 0.9% of China's gross domestic product.

Chinese events that are open to international tourists are gradually resuming such as the China Development Forum in Beijing later this month and the Shanghai Autoshow in April. The Asian Games, which is held every four years, will also take place this year in the eastern city of Hangzhou in September after being postponed last year due to China's COVID concerns. 

But prospective visitors might not immediately arrive in droves, reported Reuters.

Vaughn Barber, chairman of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in China said, "The announcement that China will resume issuing nearly all types of visas for foreigners from tomorrow is positive for Australian businesses whose executives would like to travel to here to visit their China-based teams, customers and suppliers and to explore new business opportunities in the mainland market."

(With inputs from Reuters)