New Delhi: After speculations were rife about deteriorating health of Chinese President Xi Jinping, it is now said that the President is suffering from 'cerebral aneurysm', reported news agency ANI, citing media sources. Xi Jinping had to be hospitalised at the end of 2021, added the report.

The leader is said to have opted for traditional Chinese medicines rather than going for surgery, which softens the blood vessels and shrinks aneurysm. Most brain aneurysms, may not lead to rupture but create health problems or cause symptoms

President Xi Jinping health concerns 

There have been rumours about Xi's health as he stayed away from interacting with foreign leaders since the outbreak of Covid-19 till the Beijing Winter Olympics. At the time of Italy visit in March 2019, his posture was seen as unusual with a noticeable limp and later in France during the same tour, Xi was taking support to sit.

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In public appreance in Shenzhen in October 2020, his slow speech and coughing bouts also led to speculations about his fading health, added the ANI report. These health reports come amid China fighting Covid-19 wave and strained economy due to oil and gas price hikes and disruption to the supply chain caused by the Ukraine conflict.

With his eyes set on third term, Chinese President has moved away from focusing on "common prosperity" and is instead slapping penalties on tech behemoths in an attempt to stabilize the battered economy.

In the run-up to the forthcoming 20th Party Congress, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is tactically moving away from its "common prosperity" policy as with the economic slowdown the country does not want to become a less attractive market for investors, as per reports.

What’s cerebral aneurysm?

Cerebral aneurysm is said to be a bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel in the brain. An aneurysm often looks like a berry hanging on a stem, as per the health website Mayoclinic. It can cause leak or rupture leading to bleeding into the brain and hemorrhagic stroke.

Most brain aneurysms, however, don't rupture but create health problems or cause symptoms.