Preet Vikal, an Indian student who was caught on CCTV dragging an intoxicated and semi-conscious lady home to rape her, has been arrested, according to the BBC. Preet Vikal was seen walking through Cardiff city centre with the "intoxicated" woman in his arms and across his shoulders. According to the report, the 20-year-old admitted to rape and was sentenced to six years and nine months in a young offenders' institute.

"The victim had drunk to excess and by the end of the night was, plainly, hopelessly intoxicated. She stepped outside the club and encountered Preet Vikal. The two engaged in conversation and moved away from their groups," officials said.

A video showing Preet Vikal lifting the woman in his arms and then across his shoulders has gone viral. The 20-year-old is spotted driving the woman to his flat through Cardiff streets. 

The woman was observed strolling but heavily leaning on Preet Vikal as they passed a bar.

Taking to Twitter, South Wales Police Cardiff stated: "A man has been jailed for raping at a woman at a halls of residence in #Cardiff. CCTV showed Preet Vikal carrying the victim in his arms and later across his shoulders out of the city centre."

"Stranger attacks such as these are extremely unusual in Cardiff but in Preet Vikal we had a dangerous individual. He took advantage of an intoxicated & vulnerable young woman who became separated from friends," the Police stated in another tweet.

According to reports, Preet snapped a "trophy photograph" of the woman and shared it to his pals after bringing her home.

Only on can you listen to the most recent tunes. The woman boldly gave authorities an account of what had occurred. According to authorities, she recounted being scared, unable to sleep, and feeling guilty as a result of his activities.

Cops were able to identify Preet Vikal thanks to security camera video and an Instagram messaging conversation with the woman.