Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday blamed the West for its action in Ukraine saying Moscow's action is guided by only one thing which is to put an end to the war unleashed by the West in the Donbas region. Addressing the 15th BRICS Summit through video conferencing mode, Putin thanked the member nations of the BRICS for their support in the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. Putin said that the aspiration of some countries to preserve their hegemony led to the dire crisis in Ukraine. 

"Some countries promote their hegemony and policy of ongoing colonialism and neocolonialism. Aspiration to preserve their hegemony in the world led to the dire crisis in Ukraine," he said in his address.  

"At first with the help of western countires, an anticonstitutional coup was carried out in this country, and after that those peole who did not agree with this coup faced war and it lasted for eight years. Russia decisded to support people that fight for their tradition, culture, language and their future," he added. 

"Our actions in Ukraine are guided by only one thing to put an end  to the war that was unleashed by the West aganst people in Donbas," Putin said. 

Speaking about the bloc, Putin said that priority for BRICS is the establishment of new, sustainable safe transport routes, such as the “north-south corridor” that would link Russian ports to sea terminals in the gulf and Indian ocean.

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He also talked about "bolstered partnership in science and innovation, healthcare, education, the development of humanitarian ties in general, cultural and civilisational diversity".

Replying to Putin, host nation South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa thanked the Russian President for recognising the efforts of the BRICS member nations. "We Thank you for the recognition of the efforts by members of Brics to bring about the end of the Russia. This type of conflict is best brought about to an end soon," said Ramaphosa. 

Putin's remark hours after Ukraine and Moscow traded drone attacks early Wednesday with Kyiv apparently targeting Moscow again and Kremlin's forces launching another bombardment of Ukrainian grain storage.  

The 15th Summit of the BRICS which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa is being held in South Africa's Johannesburg.