New Delhi: A high voltage suspense drama unfolded at an Italian airport when the security officers found a stray suitcase in the lounge.

The authorities were in no mood to take any chance with the suspicious luggage and so they cordoned off the area in the waiting lounge of the Rome Airport. Amid all the suspense built around the suitcase, the officials blew up the suitcase to check its contents.

However, to everyone’s surprise, the bag contained nothing but some clothes and coconuts. The much ado for nothing resulted in a blown up bag of coconuts. The airport was then reopened.

A freelance journalist Ned Donovan who was also in the airport at the time narrated the incident of Twitter. He shared a picture taken from a distance where the cops were seen “going through someone’s pants.”

Inching little closer to the suspicious object, he realised that the bag contained nothing but harmless coconuts.

“Amazing, the Italian police have blown up a bag full of coconuts and have now reopened Rome airport. Here are the exploded coconuts,” he said in his tweet with a photo of the suitcase’s contents.

Tweeple had hilarious response to the incident: