New Delhi: In a bizarre incident a body of a man who was killed about forty years ago was discovered after a tree unusual for the area grew from a seed inside his stomach.

As per a report in the Daily Mirror, the man named Ahmet Hergune had eaten figs hours before he died and a seed from the same grew into a tree.

The tree that rooted in man’s stomach was reportedly found by a researcher who was curious enough to dig out the area of a fig tree that had grown in the mountainous area where it is not usually found.

After digging, the researcher was shocked to find that the tree was coming out from a human body. As per reports, police found three more bodies after the researcher raised an alarm.

The man Hergune was reportedly killed in the year 1974 during a conflict between two ethnic groups. His family looked for his body but could not find it.

The man and the two others were reportedly killed in a dynamite attack after they were enclosed inside the cave. It is being speculated that the light entering the dark cave through the cracks developed during explosion might have helped the plant to grow.