Ahead of Durga Puja, the Hindu community in Bangladesh is allegedly facing extortion. While the Bangladesh government is on high alert, Hindu temples have reportedly received demands for 5 lakh Taka (approx INR 5 lakh). The purported Islamic extremists also threatened in letters sent by 'air mail' that if the demands were leaked to the media, the Puja committee members would be "chopped to bits".

What Was Written In The Durga Puja Extortion Letter?

The letter read that if the Hindus wanted to celebrate Durga Puja, they must pay up 5 lakh Taka. "If you want to celebrate Durga Puja, every temple committee must pay 5 lakh Taka donation. If you fail to comply, you will not be able to celebrate... Ready the money within a week. Place the cash at the spot we specify later. Remember, if you inform the administration or Press, we shall chop you into pieces," the letter reads.

The extortionists also threatened to harm the families of the Puja committee members. The letter further claimed that the extortionists had "bought the Army and administration". "We swear upon Allah, if we do not get the money, we shall chop you to pieces. We have eyes on you," the letter further read.

Durga Puja Under Cloud In Bangladesh

The Durga Puja celebrations in Bangladesh have come under dark clouds, especially amid the political turmoil in the nation. The country is yet to get a Prime Minister and is being led by only an interim head of government. Right after the ouster of Sheikh Hasina's ouster in August, the Hindu community in many cities, including Dhaka, towns, and villages was targeted.

Just like last year, the Bangladesh government has asked temples to pause celebrations, especially those involving musical instruments, during azaan and namaaz.

Bangladesh Govt On High Alert Ahead Of Durga Puja

Owing to the tensions Ahead of Durga Puja, Bangladeshi authorities have assured to boost security measures to protect the Hindu minority in the nation. They have said that vigilance around Durga Puja pandals would be boosted. According to news agency ANI, Inspector General of Police Moinul Islam said that a three-tier security system was being adopted for the duration of the Durga Puja celebrations. This will be in place till the idol immersion (visarjan).

Moinul Islam also said that Durga Puja committees may contact the emergency number 999 in case they are threatened. Plainclothesmen, crisis response teams, and SWAT will be put on standby for Durga Puja.