Frankfurt am Main, Germany - On his 76th birthday, renowned British-American author Salman Rushdie has been awarded the prestigious Peace Prize of the German Book Trade for 2023. The award's Board of Trustees recognized Rushdie's unwavering spirit, his celebration of life, and his invaluable contributions to the world of storytelling, reported DW.

In a statement released on Monday, the prize board expressed admiration for Rushdie's ability to explore themes of migration and global politics in his literary works. They commended his masterwork, "Midnight's Children," which captivated readers upon its publication in 1981. The statement praised Rushdie's narrative foresight, his continuous literary innovation, and his ability to infuse his works with humour and wisdom. It emphasised his talent for chronicling the destructive force of oppressive regimes while simultaneously highlighting the indomitable spirit of resistance exhibited by individuals.

The Board of Trustees hailed Rushdie as a passionate defender of freedom of thought and expression, both for himself and for those whose perspectives may differ from his own. This recognition of Rushdie's courage and his dedication to the power of storytelling resonated strongly with the award committee.

The author's recent personal journey added depth to his triumph. In August 2022, Rushdie was attacked in New York, where he suffered injuries to his abdomen and neck. The aftermath of the assault resulted in the loss of vision in one eye and the use of one hand. Despite these challenges, Rushdie has continued to persevere in his literary pursuits.

In response to winning the Peace Prize, Rushdie expressed deep gratitude and honor, acknowledging the significance of the award. He thanked the jury for their generous recognition of his work and accomplishments.

In a pre-recorded appearance at the Hay Literary Festival, Rushdie revealed that he is currently working on a book related to the attack he endured. The forthcoming publication will explore the events surrounding the incident and their broader implications. He described it as a necessary step to overcome the trauma and pave the way for future projects. While admitting that the book is not without its challenges, Rushdie emphasized the importance of addressing the topic before embarking on other literary endeavors.

Salman Rushdie's resilience, intellectual prowess, and commitment to the art of storytelling have firmly established him as a literary icon. The Peace Prize of the German Book Trade recognises his enduring contributions and the profound impact of his work on the world stage.