Washington: In yet another global jolt to the Taliban, the International Monetary Fund has blocked Afghanistan's access to IMF resources, including around $440 million in new monetary reserves due to lack of clarity within the international community regarding recognition of a government in the war-torn country.

IMF's announcement to cancel Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) and other IMF resources of Afghanistan came days after the Taliban forcefully seized control of Kabul. 

"As is always the case, the IMF is guided by the views of the int'l community. There is currently a lack of clarity within the int'l community regarding recognition of a government in Afghanistan, as a consequence of which the country cannot access SDRs or other IMF resources," IMF spokesperson Gerry Rice tweeted. 

The decision by IMF is said to be a result of pressure from the United States Treasury, which holds a controlling share in the Fund, to ensure Afghanistan's share of SDRs allocation scheduled for Monday does not fall into Taliban hands.

IMF has also said that new Taliban government in Afghanistan will not immediately be allowed loans and other resources from the 190-nation lending organisation, news agency AP reported.