New Delhi: Banned terrorist organisation Al-Qaeda congratulated the Taliban for its "victory" after the US Troops left Aghanistan ending a 20-year-old war. Al Qaeda’s senior leadership released a two-page statement on Tuesday, saying it “soothed” their hearts to hear verses from the Quran recited in the “Presidential Palace in Kabul after it had been cleansed from the filth of the Americans", as quoted in a report by Long War Journal.

Al Qaeda praises Taliban leadership

“On this historic occasion, we would like to offer our congratulations to the leadership of the Islamic Emirate, specifically Haibatullah Akhundzada,” the statement reads. “May Allah accept your martyrs – the men, women, and children who offered sacrifices in this path!", All Qaeda's statement further reads.

 Supporting the Taliban's claims of being more liberal during the coming reign, Al Qaeda calls on the Afghan nation to “unite around the blessed leadership of the Islamic Emirate — a leadership that has over the years proven its sincerity and keenness to safeguard the interests of the masses and protect their religion, lives, and wealth.” 

“We call upon the Afghan nation to abide by the decisions and Shariah-based policies of the blessed Islamic Emirate,” the statement reads. 

Al Qaeda talks about 'liberation of Kashmir'

The detailed statement moves further and mentions the “liberation” of Kashmir and other so-called Islamic lands from the “clutches of the enemies of Islam”

“0’ Allah! Liberate the Levant, Somalia, Yemen, Kashmir, and the rest of the Islamic lands from the clutches of the enemies of Islam. 0’ Allah! Grant freedom to Muslim prisoners across the world,” said the message titled “Congratulations to the Islamic Ummah on the victory granted by Allah in Afghanistan!”, as mentioned in the Long War Journal report.

The defeat of the “American Empire of Evil": Al Qaeda

When the Taliban took over Afghanistan, experts analysed that the organisation is being energised by terror groups which lead to its victor. Though US and Taliban signed a peace deal in February 2020 which clearly stated that the Afghan militant group should sever its ties with all terror groups, particularly al-Qaeda, the message from the terror outfit speaks otherwise.

“We praise the Almighty, the Omnipotent, who humiliated and defeated America, the head of disbelief. We praise Him for breaking America’s back, tarnishing its global reputation and expelling it, disgraced and humiliated, from the Islamic land of Afghanistan,” the al-Qaeda message said. “Afghanistan is undoubtedly a graveyard of empires and an impregnable fortress of Islam. With the defeat of the Americans, this is the third time that the Afghan nation, within a span of less than two centuries, has successfully defeated and expelled an invading imperialist power.”

The defeat of the “American Empire of Evil” is a “tremendous source of inspiration for the oppressed of the world”, the statement said, and offered al-Qaeda’s congratulations to the Taliban leadership, especially its chief Haibatullah Akhundzada.

“These events prove that the Way of Jihad is the only way that leads to victory and empowerment,” the message said.