A Montreal-bound Air Canada flight from Morocco was cancelled last week after a crew member lost her cool at a passenger who reportedly requested for an extra blanket. The incident occurred on Friday aboard Flight AC73 from Casablanca, and was caught on camera.


A female crew member is seen in the now-viral footage, gesturing and speaking angrily at an unseen passenger, in both English and French.

“You will behave or we will get off!” the flight attendant can be heard saying in the video, captured by another passenger. She then adds, “I don’t want no bullying against my crew”. 

When the passenger asks her to call the captain, the crew member ignores the request and yells, “Everyone behave! Be quiet … or you’re getting off.”

Citing CTV News, the New York Post reported that the fracas started after the passenger asked for another blanket because the air conditioning was too strong. The airline confirmed that the flight was cancelled and, on Sunday, a different crew was brought in for the flight.  

Passengers were compensated for both the delay and the unsettling incident, the airline told CTV News.

Christophe Hennebell, spokesperson for Air Canada, said they were taking the incident very seriously and would take appropriate action.

“We apologise to our customers and deeply regret that their experience today fell far short of what they have come to expect when flying with Air Canada,” Hennebell told CTV News, as quoted in the New York Post. 

'One-Sided Video'

The video has raised some eyebrows on social media, with some dubbing the account one-sided. 

A comment read, “I hate these half-complete one-sided passenger videos,” one user on X wrote. “Aircrew don’t randomly start to mistreat passengers.”

Another added: “It seems there is more to the story but your click bait is doing what you wanted."

A third user recalled their personal unsavoury experience with Air Canada. “I had tickets to Banff booked right as Covid hit, they cancelled the tickets and refused to refund them for 18 months.”

Another user wrote: “It’s Air Canada, does it really surprise anyone?”