New Delhi: Taliban commanders say they have taken over control of Afghanistan's presidential palace, Reuters reported on Sunday.

This comes after a senior interior ministry official told the news agency that Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani has left the country for Tajikistan. 

ALSO READ | Ashraf Ghani Leaves Afghanistan As Taliban Seeks Peaceful Transfer Of Power In 'Next Few Days'

Ashraf Ghani has left Afghanistan along with his close aides, TOLO news reported sources as saying. 

Former President Hamid Karzai had assured the people in a message that he will stay in the country. He is urging people to stay home and is trying to resolve the issue through dialogue, the Afghanistan-based news channel stated.

Hours ago, Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid said that in order to prevent looting and chaos their forces will enter some parts of Kabul and occupy outposts that have been evacuated by security forces, TOLO news revealed. He asked the people to not panic over their entrance into the city.

Amid the chaotic situation, Taliban officials have told Reuters that there would be no transitional government in Afghanistan and that the group expects a complete handover of power.

Earlier, a Taliban spokesperson had told the BBC that the group wants to take control of Afghanistan "in the next few days".

"In the next few days, we want a peaceful transfer," Suhail Shaheen who is based in Qatar and is a part of the group's negotiating team, told the BBC.

Taliban insurgents on Sunday entered the outskirts of the capital city causing panic and fear among the residents.

In a matter of days, the Taliban swept through major parts of Afghanistan, seizing control of around 25 of the 34 provincial capitals, including key cities such as Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad.