New Delhi: After a Pakistan court released Hafiz Saeed from house arrest, the Mumbai terror attack mastermind has now moved to the United Nation. He is seeking the removal of his name from the designated terrorist list.  

According to PTI, Hafiz has hired a Lahore based law firm to file the petition on his behalf. He has claimed that there is no proof to back the allegations against him. Hafiz carries a $10 million bounty on his head.

Supreme Court advocate Navid Rasul Mirza, who owns Mirza and Mirza Law Associates talked to PTI and said, “My law firm has filed the petition on Hafiz Saeed’s behalf at the UN seeking removal of his name from its list of designated terrorists. My son Haider Rasul who is director of this firm is looking after this case.”

Rasul Mirza also said,” Saeed has claimed this petition on the basis of decisions in different court cases since 2009 in which no allegation – either related to terrorism or otherwise – has been proved in the Pakistani courts.”

Saeed has said that his inclusion in the names of terrorists list has caused harm to his reputation.  He claims that the demand of his detention by US was done after India’s pressure.