New Delhi: A girl on Twitter claims that a bath bomb made her skin turn blue from the neck down. Shared by a Twitter user named Rebekah Butler, the post says "OKAYY SOO... ladies, DON’T YOU DARE BUY THE GALAXY BATH BOMB FROM KROGER. S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y."

Bath bomb, which usually dissolves in water are filled with elements like fragrant essential oils, nourishing and moisturizing butters and oils, and additional items, such as flower petals, glitter, and color. In Rebekah Butler's case, the bomb must have been mainly filled with color as she looked like Smurf after using one of the "galaxy bath bomb".


In her post, she says "I was in the bath for a solid 5 minutes and now I am a freaking SMURF. It seriously dyed my skin. So to everyone I snapchat, enjoy looking at my forehead till I am no longer a smurf.."

To Rebekah Butler post, fellow tweeters wrote condolences and some were not able to contain their laughter.