New Delhi: Hyderabad based Bharat Biotech Ltd. developed Covaxin - one of the vaccines approved for emergency use in India. On January 16 a mass vaccination drive began in India after which many people reported adverse effects. The vaccine maker created a fact sheet on Covaxin and posted it in its website this illustrates the side effects, and advises who shouldn't be vaccinated. 

Bharat Biotech advises that people with any serious health conditions should talk to the healthcare provider or vaccinator before taking the vaccine, but people shouldn’t be administered Covaxin if:

  • they have a history of allergies or have a fever

  • are immuno-compromised or are taking medications for their immune system.

  • have a blood disorder or are on blood thinners.

  • are pregnant or breastfeeding

  • have had a Covid-19 vaccine before

The vaccine maker said the clinical efficacy of the vaccine is yet to be established and is being studied in Phase 3 clinical trial and hence it is important to appreciate that receiving the vaccine does not mean other precautions related to COVID- 19 need not be followed.

When it comes to possible side effects, there are some mild forms such as:

  • injection sight pain, swelling, redness or itching.

  • Stiffness in the upper arm.

  • A weakness on the arm that received the injection.

  • Bodyache

  • Nausea

  • Fever

  • Headache

  • Malaise

  • Weakness

  • Rashes

  • Vomiting

Check List Of Countries Which Will Be Receiving Made-In-India Vaccines By Bharat Biotech & Serum Institute

Bharat Biotech claims that Covaxin may cause severe side effects in rare occasions, these adverse effects could be:

  • Difficulty in breathing

  • Swelling of face and throat

  • Rash all over the body

  • Fast heart beat

Covaxin is India's totally indigenous COVID-19 vaccine developed in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research and National Institute of Virology and it was one of the vaccines which received approval for restricted use to prevent COVID-19.
The Central Licensing Authority has granted permission for the sale or distribution of the antidote for restricted use in emergency situations in public interest as an abundant precaution, in clinical trial mode, the fact sheet said. Covaxin has been shown to generate immunity following two doses given four weeks apart.