New Delhi: In a narrow escape, an eight year old girl was rescued by a security guard after she fell into a Panda enclosure, with three huge pandas, in China.

The incident was reported in Chin Daily. As per the report, the incident took place on Saturday at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

Though, Panda videos displaying their cute gestures are highly popular on social media platforms, but the animals can at times pose a threat as well, especially for children. Following the incident the research base issued a warning that Pandas are not as meek and docile as they appear, and even their keepers, maintain a safe distance once they turn 2.

In the video, which is shared on Facebook by CGTN, the girl sitting on the fence can be seen falling into the enclosure. As she fell down, the pandas start moving towards her. In a dramatic rescue, the guard can be seen trying to pull out the girl with the help of a pole. As the Pandas reach to dangerous proximity, the guard successfully manages to pull out the girl, as hundreds of spectators watch the act in á horrified silence.

Check the video here: