Artists performed 'Dakshayagam' Kathakali as part of week-long Onam celebrations at Kanakakunnu Palace in Thiruvananthapuram on Friday. The annual harvest festival, Onam, started on August 20 and culminated with Thiruvonam Day on August 31. During the holiday frenzy, Kerala's classical dance symbolising the state's rich cultural legacy takes front stage.

According to ANI, "Dakshayagam Kathakali being performed at Kanakakunnu Palace in Thiruvananthapuram as part of week-long Onam celebrations in the state." 


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One of Kerala's most famous classical dance styles, Kathakali has roots that go back more than three centuries. Intricate hand gestures and expressive facial expressions are used to convey storylines in this dramatic art form that mixes dance, music, acting, performance and extensive make-up to grasp the viewers. The Mahabali saga or legendary stories from Indian epics are frequently retold in Kathakali performances during Onam, emphasising the festival's cultural flavour.

Earlier, PM Modi wished the people of Kerala on the occasion of Onam. Taking to X, formerly known as Twitter, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, "Onam greetings to everyone! May your lives be showered with good health, unparalleled joy and immense prosperity. Over the last many years, Onam has become a global festival and it beautifully showcases the vibrant culture of Kerala."

Onam should be celebrated without regard to caste or religion, said Kerala's chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan. Onam is a celebration of prosperity, brotherhood, and equality, the chief minister remarked. Beyond caste and religious differences, Onam could serve as an inspiration for fostering global human unity. A celebration should bring together minds that are free from dividing ideas, he said.