NEW DELHI: Right after the noise of GPS chips and radioactive ink in the recently introduced Rs 2000 notes, the latest rumour doing rounds about the 'pink notes' says that the notes will be phased out by the government by June 2016.

"The government may 'ban' the new currency notes of Rs 2000 by June next year. The purpose of the introduction of new notes is to target black money hoarders systematically," the viral messages on social media said.

After RSS ideologue S. Gurumurthy said that the newly issued Rs 2,000 currency note is a “stopgap arrangement” to tide over the cash crunch after demonetisation, such messages are widely shared on social media.

According to the viral messages these notes will ultimately be withdrawn by the government.

What Gurumurthy said:
Gurumurthy, who is said to be in the loop all through the demonetisation process, said in an interview with India Today news channel that the Rs 2,000 note was introduced only to meet the demand-supply gap after Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes were sucked out of circulation.

He said the banks would be asked to hold back Rs 2,000 notes and replace them with lower denomination notes.

“We have phased out many series of notes like this in the past,” the reknowned chartered accountant said.

What government says:
S Gurumurthy has expressed his views. It's his suggestion, to accept it or not is up to the government. In a democratic country everyone has a right to offer suggestions and to express his views," Venkaiah Naidu, Minister of Urban Development, said.

According to government sources, the Centre has no plans to withdraw Rs 2,000 currency note.