The image of the two that’s going viral on social media presents the true picture of Govind Jaiswal who facing all odds & hardships cracked the prestigious IAS examination in 2006. Coming from a poor background, a bright Govind pursued his childhood dream of becoming a civil servant successfully and eventually bringing out his family out of poverty.
The ‘rags to riches’ story of Govind is inspirational but his case from obscurity to fame wasn’t an instant one though. The tale of Govind from Varanasi appears to be from a Bollywood movie where a small boy gets shunted out from a rich friend’s household where he went to play. The incident affected 11-year-old Govind so much so that he vowed to become a dignified & honoured man in society.
The credit to this success also goes to his financially & physically struggling father who ensured Govind gets adequate facilities to prepare for the exams in Delhi. Also his sister’s contribution to his accomplishment can’t be ignored. Govind’s rank was 48 among 474 candidates.
Watch his inspirational story in this detailed segment of ‘Viral Sach’: