New Delhi: After Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s degree row, a message is going viral questioning Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal’s IIT degree. The message says Arvind Kejriwal got admission in IIT through the quota of industrialist Jindal. Here is the reality of the message.

The message said Arvind Kejriwal didn’t get admission through IITJEE but through a quota. The message claims Jindal group had donated generously and in lieu gets a quota of two seats.

The message said further that he got admission through Indas Springs Company Limited. The message challenged him to come out with his IIT ranking.

When we investigated, we found a different story. Arvind Kejriwal graduated from IIT Kharagpur in 1989. IIT registrar said no such quota exists in IIT or ever existed. He confirmed Arvind Kejriwal had got an all India rank 563.

Kejriwal’s office also confirmed the rank. This message is false.