Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath took stock of the ongoing construction of the Ram Temple on Saturday morning in Ayodhya after offering prayers to lord Ram Lalla at Ram Janamabhoomi. Senior temple priests were also present at the temple when BJP leader Adityanath offered his aarti to Lord Ram. He was seen interacting with other people present inside the temple premises which is expected to be inaugurated in January next year. He was informed by people present at the temple about temple construction work.
In a separate video posted by news agency ANI, he was seen talking to construction workers and engineers at the site. They informed him about the construction of different premises inside the temple and how soon they could be completed.
Earlier, the Uttar Pradesh government had expedited infrastructure works in Ayodhya, including the expansion of its airport and railway station. This was done under the preparation plans ahead of the opening of the Ram temple in January next year, according to a statement, reported news agency PTI. Earlier, the statement also said a basic outline for the construction of the Ramjanaki Path and the Bhakti Path is also ready. It said the width of the Ram Janmabhoomi Path will be 30 metres and the width of the Bhakti Path will be 14 metres.
Some time ago, Yogi Adityanath also invited people to come for the Ram temple's opening in January as he is reviewing the progress of different works regularly. Notably, the 'pran pratishtha' ceremony at the Ayodhya Ram Mandir will be held from January 15-24, 2024. Nripendra Mishra, chairman of the Ram Mandir Construction Committee, told ABP News that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend the consecration ceremony on the last day of the event.
"The Ram temple's doors will open for devotees after the pran pratishtha or consecration. Common devotees will be able to visit the temple from 25 January 2024," Mishra said earlier. The main door of the sanctum sanctorum will be covered with gold, there will be gold carvings on it as well. The 161 feet high spire of the temple will also be covered with gold. Apart from the temple premises, the Shree Ram Janmabhoomi pilgrimage region is spread across 70 acres.