Mumbai, Maharashtra: With the seventh phase of the assembly polls around the corner in Uttar Pradesh, the Samajwadi Party on Monday hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his grand road shows in Varanasi and quipped that the victory of Chief Minister Akhilesh Minister lies in the fact that the Prime Minister of the country has relegated himself to campaign for votes in every small part of the city.
"Akhilesh Yadav's stature as a politician has risen to such heights that the Prime Minister of India is visiting every small part of the state and is asking for votes. I think this whole scenario is representative of the victory of the Samajwadi Party-Congress alliance," president of the Maharashtra state branch of the Samajwadi Party Abu Azmi told ANI.
Azmi also said that in comparison with Akhilesh's road show, Prime Minister Modi's cavalcade was a flop show. "There was nobody standing with Prime Minister Modi, but, with Akhilesh Yadav, I can say, there hasn't been such a road show ever in the history of polls. Now, I think the Prime Minister has realised that their boat is sinking even in his own constituency," he said.
Campaigning for seventh phase and last phase of elections is in full swing in the state. Leaders and star campaigners of all major political parties are engaged in canvassing for their party and alliance candidates. A total of 40 constituencies spread over 7 districts of Eastern region of the state under this phase. Districts covered in this phase of polls are Ghazipur, Varanasi, Chandauli, Mirzapur, Sant Ravidas Nagar, Bhadohi and Sonebhadra.
A total of 535 candidates including 51 women are in the fray. BSP has fielded its nominees for all seats while BJP is in contest from 32 and has left 8 seats to its allies - the Apna Dal and the Suheldev Bharatiya Samaj Party. The Samajwadi Party's candidates are in fray in 31 segments and its ally - the Congress - is in contest from 10 seats.