In honouring India's democratic path, US President Joe Biden remarked on Sunday that the two countries are important partners, news agency PTI reported.

"As people around the world, including nearly four million (40 lakh) proud Indian-Americans, celebrate the 75th anniversary of India's independence on August 15, the United States joins the people of India to honour its democratic journey, guided by Mahatma Gandhi's enduring message of truth and non-violence," Biden's statement was quoted by PTI in its report.

"This year, we also celebrate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between our great democracies. India and the United States are indispensable partners, and the US-India Strategic Partnership is grounded in our shared commitment to the rule of law and the promotion of human freedom and dignity. Our partnership is further strengthened by the deep bonds between our people. The vibrant Indian-American community in the United States has made us a more innovative, inclusive, and stronger nation," Biden said.

The US president expressed confidence that the two democracies would continue to work together in the coming years to preserve the rules-based system, nurture more peace, prosperity, and security for their people, advance a free and open Indo-Pacific, and confront global issues.

In a separate statement, US Secretary of State Tony Blinken wished Indians a happy 75th anniversary of independence on August 15.

"On this important day, we reflect on the democratic values that we share, and we honour the people of India who are, together, building an even brighter future," he said.

"This year is especially meaningful for our two nations as we celebrate a milestone: 75 years of diplomatic relations. Our strategic partnership touches everything from climate to trade to our vibrant people-to-people ties. I am confident that, as two great democracies, our partnership will continue to contribute to the security and prosperity of our peoples and the global good. Happy Independence Day, India!" Blinken was quoted by PTI in its report.

(With Inputs From PTI)