New Delhi: As the US President Donald Trump delivered his annual State of Union address on Tuesday, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi inadvertently provided fodder to the social media trolls who anyway love to mock the 45th.

While Trump was speaking about rejecting politics of revenge and resistance, Pelosi who was seated behind Trump, got off from her seat to applaud at his statement. Nancy’s clapback with a taut facial expression, that was freezed in the photographs, has now been turned into a meme by netizens.

Trump said, “We must reject the politics of revenge, resistance and retribution, and embrace the boundless potential of cooperation, compromise and the common good.” This was when Nancy gave her ‘now-famous’ clap-back. Though it remains unclear whether she intended it to be sarcastic, the gesture has stirred the internet.

The president and the Democrats had a record 35-day standoff with the Democrats led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over his proposed controversial wall along the US-Mexico border, which shut down the government and postponed the address which was earlier scheduled on January 29.

Check how the internet hailed Nancy’s gesture and made hilarious memes out of it: