Belarus: The United States and several leaders under the European Union have demanded an investigation into the diversion of a Lithuanian-bound flight to Minsk. The head of NATO has joined the leaders of EU contries asking Belarus to explain its act of detaining an opposition activist and journalist Raman Pratasevich.

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Belarus Orders Diversion Of Passenger Plane, Detention Of Journalist

Belarusian authorities on Sunday forced a civilian jetliner Ryanair to make an emergency landing in capital Minsk and arrested a wanted opposition activist on board. 

A 26-year-old dissident journalist identified as Roman Protasevich was detained by police after his Ryanair flight traveling between Athens and Vilnius, Lithuania — the capitals of two NATO nations, was diverted over Belarusian airspace and the Minsk government said Lukashenko ordered his military to scramble a MiG-29 fighter to escort the plane. The MiG-29 fighter jet scrambled to escort the Boeing 737-8AS to Minsk, although the aircraft was at that point much closer to Vilnius. 

According to reports, mere minitues before flight's exit from Belarusian airspace, its crew received an order from Belarus’s air traffic control to turn around because of possible explosives on board.

However, the opposition in Belarus said that the supposed bomb scare was a pretext for the real reason strongman President Alexander Lukashenko ordered the arrest of Roman Protasevich. 

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Who is Roman Protasevich?

Roman Protasevich is a 26-year-old journalist, co-founder and a former editor of the Poland-based online news service NEXTA channel on the social media platform Telegram, which broadcast footage of protests against Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko last year. Mr Protasevich now works for Belamova, a different Telegram channel.

He fled the country in 2019, fearing arrest, but continued to roil Lukashenko’s regime, share information and organize demonstrations against the government. He actively covered the events of the 2020 election campaign and the subsequent protests.

As a teenager, Protasevich became a dissident, first drawing scrutiny from law enforcement. According to various reports, he once participated in a protest rally in 2011 for which he was expelled from a prestigious school and even from the journalism program of the Minsk State University. 

Protasevich faces several criminal charges against him, including organising mass riots and inciting social hatred, related to the protests late last year.

Co-passengers about Raman Pratasevich's detention

As reported by Editor-in-chief of Nexta TV, a  guy sitting next to Roman Protasevich on the plane said, "They took us out of the plane, the dogs sniffed our luggage. They took that guy (Roman) aside, threw his belongings on the runway. We asked him what’s going on. He told me who he is and added, "They'll execute me here"

Another passenger reportedly said that Pratasevich initially panicked, then calmed down a bit, but still was trembling. He said he'll face the death penalty here. He was taken aside, his belongings dumped on the runway. 

Ryanair’s statement on FR4978 flight diversion to Minsk

Ryanair in an official statement said, "The crew on a Ryanair flight from Athens to Vilnius today (23 May) were notified by Belarus ATC of a potential security threat on board and were instructed to divert to the nearest airport, Minsk. The Aircraft landed safely and passengers were offloaded while security checks were completed by local authorities. Nothing untoward was found and authorities cleared the aircraft to depart together with passengers and crew after approx. 7 hours on the ground in Minsk." 

The airline further stated that it has notified the relevant national and European safety and security agencies and we apologise sincerely to all affected passengers for this regrettable delay, which was outside Ryanair's control. 

'Act of State Terrorism': Outrage Against Belarus

The detention of the journalist has been highly condemned by the US and Europe, and several NATO nations. The act has stroked a heated controversy as some European leaders compared it to a hijacking, and accused Belarus of engaging in an act of state terrorism. 

Raising concerns over the arrest of journalist, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken in an official statement said, "The United States strongly condemns the forced diversion of a flight between two EU member states and the subsequent removal and arrest of journalist Roman Pratasevich. Initial reports suggesting the involvement of the Belarusian security services and the use of Belarusian military aircraft to escort the plane are deeply concerning and require full investigation." 

According to AFP reports, the European Union is set to discuss toughening its existing sanctions against Belarus -- imposed over the crackdown by the regime of President Alexander Lukashenko on opposition protesters -- at a pre-planned summit on Monday. The UE leaders will discuss the consequences of what EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called an "unacceptable" action.

The NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has also opposed the act and said that  alliance was closely monitoring the "forcible landing" of the flight. He said that this is a serious & dangerous incident which requires international investigation. Belarus must ensure safe return of crew & all passengers.