New Delhi: A letter bomb explosion has been reported at the Ukrainian Embassy in Madrid, Spain, according to the news agency AFP. An employee of Ukraine's embassy was "lightly" injured. According to police sources, an injured embassy employee has been taken to the capital's Nuestra Seora de America Hospital.

The statement added that forensic and intelligence investigators are assisting detectives in their investigation of the incident.

The Ukraine embassy in Spain could not be reached immediately. According to state broadcaster TVE, the area surrounding the embassy has been cordoned off.

Tedax, specialized explosives deactivation troops, and additional police units have relocated to the location.

The Embassy has neither confirmed nor denied the accident up until this point.

Ukraine said Wednesday it will strengthen security at all the country's embassies after a letter bomb blew up.

"Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba instructed to strengthen the security of all Ukrainian embassies," Ukraine's foreign ministry spokesperson Oleg Nikolenko said on social media in English.

Several Citizen Security units of the National Police are already in the country's embassy building in the capital, Ronda de la Abubilla, according to reliable police sources to EL ESPAOL.

According to other police sources, the embassy sent a notice shortly after the explosion, describing the explosion of an envelope.

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The Scientific Police and the Provincial Information Brigade are already conducting an investigation into the circumstances, according to official sources from the Higher Headquarters of the National Police in Madrid.

When it was opened by a technical-administrative legation, the letter, which was addressed to Serhii Pohoreltsev, the ambassador in Spain, "combusted."

On November 21, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez informed the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Madrid that Spanish police will deploy to Ukraine in the coming weeks to assist in the investigation of alleged war crimes.

According to the Spanish Interior Ministry, an advance delegation of Spanish police officers has already arrived in Kyiv to meet with representatives of the Ukrainian public prosecutor's office.

According to the ministry, the two nations established the terms of their cooperation and specified the deployment areas during their initial meeting.