Chennai: Tamil Nadu is gearing up in a bid to eliminate malign coronavirus completely from the state. Health Minister Ma Subramanian on Saturday inaugurated 120 oxygen beds and a mucormycosis ward at government Medical College Hospital in Omandur today.

Subramanian hinted at around 8,000 beds, including oxygen beds, Siddha centers, and non-oxygen beds were lying empty in Chennai and said that as of now, there is no shortage of beds in the state.

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Tamil Nadu has the highest number of oxygen beds in India. The state also has 276 RT-PCR testing centers and more than 1.70 lakh samples are being collected per day, which is the highest in the country.

According to a by Dina Thandhi's, the state government is intensifying vaccination drive in rural districts where COVID cases are soaring. The majority of people who received their vaccine belong to the 18-44 age group, which is the reason why vaccination drive has picked up in the last few days, the media house quoted Health Minister as saying.

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The State has received 80 lakh vaccine doses from the Centre for those above 45 years of age till now and 78 lakh doses have been administered so far in Tamil Nadu, the Health Minister informed.

According to reports, Coimbatore is overtaking Chennai in the number of daily cases which continues to be the a major concern for the TN government. Chief Minister MK Stalin, Minister Subramanian, and Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan are said to be monitoring the measures being taken to control the spread of infectious disease.