Indonesia: Terrifying pictures of a volcanic eruption in Indonesia's island of Sumatra have created a buzz on the internet.

On Monday, Indonesian volcano Mount Sinabung erupted creating huge ash clouds across the sky. The horrific ash clouds shooted more than 5 kilometers into the sky creating a strange scene. As per reports, the eruption lasted for around 291 seconds.

The incredible pictures will definitely make your jaws touch the ground.



No fatalities and loss of life have been reported by the National Disaster Mitigation Agency but an alert has been issued to Airlines preventing them from flying in the sensitive area.



Disaster management agencies have also warned locals against going near the danger area. Agencies have urged people to stay out of a 7km exclusion zone around the dangerous area. Locals are being encouraged to vacate the area near the volcano.

The Indonesian volcano burst back in 2010 before that it was previously dormant for 400 years. Earlier this year, another eruption disturbed the area, blasting ash 4.2km into the air. Mountain Sinabung sits on a sensitive volcanic zone which is prone to seismic activity.