New Delhi: The cases of the coronavirus in Europe have touched 1.5 million. The report by the news agency AFP said that this figure is under half the worldwide total and it also probably reflects only a fraction of the actual number of infections as many countries are testing only the most serious cases. News about cases in Europe has been flooding in since the beginning of the pandemic.

Some of the worst affected countries include:

Spain: After the global epicentre of the virus, the United States the European countries takes the second position. At the time of writing the data from Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University showed 213,435 confirmed coronavirus cases. To curb the spread of the virus the country had enforced a seven-week lockdown. The government has today eased lockdown restrictions and has issued orders that allow adults to exercise outdoors within the specific time slot. On April 26, the government had allowed children go out with a supervising adult between 12 pm and 7 pm.

Italy: The European nation comes next in leading the list of the worst-affected countries. The CSSE data shows 207,428 confirmed cases. After being in lockdown from March 10 the country plans to emerge from it tomorrow. According to a report by IANS the nation may focus on resuming manufacturing, construction, and wholesale sectors.

United Kingdom- The country still has some of the highest numbers of coronavirus cases in the world. The data shows that at present there 178,685 positive cases. Yesterday the British Prime Minister announced that the UK ‘past the peak’ of the virus outbreak. The minister also talked about a ‘comprehensive plan’ to restart the economy.

France- The country has clocked a steady rise in the number of positive cases and as of May 2, 2020 has 167,305 cases. According to an IANS report, today the country reported the lowest one-day increase in fatalities since the end of March. The health official also announced that hospitals are also seeing fewer people getting admitted.

Germany- The Western European country has 164,077 positive cases according to CSSE data. The country announced yesterday that it will be easing the lockdown and playgrounds, museums and churches will open from Monday. It is also planning to decide the future course of action for schools and sporting events.

Belgium: The country is slowly reaching the 50,000 marks. According to CSSE there are 49,517 confirmed cases in the country. But it is the high mortality rate that has got the country worried. According to a report by the BBC, around 66 people in every 100,000 have died from Covid-19. The country has been in lockdown since March 18.

Netherlands: The country seems to still be in control and has 39,989. But the death tolls according to news reports have reached 5000.

Below 30,000s

Some European countries are faring better and cases have still not reached 30,000. The top five of them include Switzerland (29,817), Portugal (25,351), Sweden(21,520), Ireland (20,833).