New Delhi, April 29: The global lockdown has paved way for several companies to reconsider their ideas on remote working with IT major TCS now planning to put 75 per cent of its 4.48 lakh employees globally (including 3.5 lakh in India) on work from home (WFH), up from the industry average of 20 per cent.

The new model termed as 25/25 will also bring down the requirement of office space than today, according to a news report in People matters.

The news has tricked in after the company has shifted 90 per cent of its 4.48 lakh employees post-lockdown to an operating model it calls Secure Borderless Work Spaces (SBWS).

In a letter to employees, TCS CEO and MD Rajesh Gopinathan, who has encouraged work from home said, SBWS had seen 35,000 meetings, 406000 calls, and 340 lakh messages across TCS on the digital collaboration platform.

The company has invested in structuring the model over the past few years and ‘the model is more proven than ever before, emphasises the CEO.

A lot of employees in IT companies already encourage work-from-home as their profile also matches the requirement.

Subramaniam has stressed that each TCS employees should spend only 25 per cent of their working time in office. It means that of all the team members, only 75 per cent of a project team may be in a single location and the rest will be dispersed across geographies.

The reduction of the workforce in office will easily result in a decrease in office space as well which means, 25 per cent fewer employees in the office may reduce the need for office space by 15 per cent. If the move is implemented in TCS, it can influence major changes in the entire operating model of IT firms.

This will be a shift from a highly centralised model consisting of workspaces managed in large delivery campuses accommodating thousands of employees to the current form of distributed delivery.