New Delhi: The arrival of monsoon also calls for spurt in mosquitoes and diseases around it. The tiny creatures leave a reddish bump on the pores and skin where it bites. It is often very itchy and can be quite irritating as well.

Did you know that mosquitoes also choose some people more over others? Yes! If you go by the report in the Time journal in 2014, then people will ‘O’ blood has more chance of being bitten by mosquitoes than others.

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Mosquitoes are annoying, blood-sucking, disease-carrier and reason for several health problems. According to Dr Jonathan Day, a medical entomologist and mosquito expert at the University of Florida, O blood attracts mosquitoes more than others (A or B).

Dr Day also explained that the human pores and skin are able to retain secreting varied chemical substances along with lactic acid which are likely to attract mosquitoes. While some people produce more of such chemical substances, making them prone to mosquito bites.

He further added that mosquitoes (vertebrate) produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and use it to establish bite goal. It is interesting to note that pregnant women and overweight people, who have a better resting metabolic charge also attract mosquitoes.

Other factors attracting the pesky creature can be dark clothing and “lots of motion”, such as “moving around a lot or gesturing”, that can signal the female mosquitoes to come and bite.

Mosquitoes are potential carriers of illnesses including dengue, chikangunya and malaria. Hence, it is important to take care during the monsoon season as it becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Now, that you know about the reasons attracting mosquitoes, try to protect yourself with “protective clothing”, and “lots of the lightweight, breathable fabrics made for athletes or fishermen, woven tightly enough to protect you from bugs”.