If you are an animal lover, the story of 28-year-old Sarwan Singh would truly inspire you. 

Sarwan was driving when he saw a crowd flocked around a canal. As Sarwan got down to see what the matter is. He saw a helpless dog grappling inside the water, struggling to breathe and swim.

The moment Sarwan saw the dog dying, he decided to unfold his holy turban and use it as a rope to rescue the drowning dog.

As the man couldn’t swim himself, he walked down the canal holding an end of his turban as a few bystanders held on to him. After a few minutes of struggle, the man was finally able to pull the dog out and save his life.


A turban is believed to be a very important part of Sikhism and removing the turban other than for bathing or sleeping is considered as a disregard to the religion. Knowing the fact Sarwan dared to keep everything at stake to save a life.

We all curse human beings in our everyday lives and claim that people have lost humanity amid the hustle for power and wealth. But 28-year-old has proved us wrong and set an example for the whole society.