New Delhi: The COVID-19 pandemic has spread worldwide like a bush fire. This sudden and unexpected outbreak has caused a global upheaval of unprecedented proportions. Nations large and small have all been badly affected as economic activities have ground to a virtual halt, disrupting the lives of everyone, especially the poor and underprivileged.

As the world grapples with the socio-economic ramifications of this disease, slowly inching towards a recession, India Inc. is endeavouring to remain in survival mode. Various legacy brands, especially those of essential goods & services have been on the front-lines in extending their support through compassionate and collaborative care, while also contributing to the economy by keeping their businesses up &  running.

These brands have become a vital economic engine that have encouraged competition, driven innovation in business and provided significant benefits to the society at large by funding or part funding media services, be it news or entertainment. They have swiftly pivoted their products and operations to benefit and assist the public in the current crisis.

In this collective fight, their support and persistence in rising to these challenges cannot be understated.

Here’s what our leaders have to say to them:

Avinash Pandey, CEO – ABP News Network: “In these trying times, our advertisers, business partners, and other stakeholders have continued working and supporting us ceaselessly, ensuring the news never stops and our viewers receive vital updates 24x7. We thank these patrons of ANN, who are playing a stellar a role as our frontline warriors. Without their active support, we would have been hard-pressed in keeping the nation informed about the latest COVID-19 and allied critical happenings. Our heartfelt gratitude to all the brands who continue reposing their faith in us under all circumstances.

Mona Jain, Chief Revenue Officer – ABP News Network:“In such a scenario, it is imperative for us to keep disseminating critical information daily, which plays a pivotal role in saving lives and helping our frontline warriors. But this would not have been possible without the dedicated and tireless efforts of our advertisers, business partners, and countless patrons, who have continued supporting us wholeheartedly despite the challenging circumstances. Our sincere thanks to all these brands, without which ANN would not be able to keep the news running as seamlessly as it is doing.”

It is significant to acknowledge the pervasive role of these brands during these times as it runs through the very fabric of our society. ANN is grateful to every single industry, which is rising above the challenges of COVID-19 and giving more power to us & our communities.