New Delhi: In the matter of the threat letter to actor Salman Khan, Mumbai Police Commissioner Sanjay Pandey on Monday said that the police is taking the matter "seriously" and all angles of the case will be probed. "Statements of actor Salman Khan & his father Salim Khan have been recorded by Mumbai Police after the actor received a threat letter yesterday, June 5. Statements of a total of 4 people have been recorded so far," said Police.

"It's too early to say if the letter is fake, and also we can't say anything about the (involvement of) Lawrence Bishnoi gang. But whatever content is there in the letter, we are taking it seriously and conducting probe," the commissioner added.

The Special Cell of Delhi Police has also questioned gangster Lawrence Bishnoi in this case today. Recently, the name of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang also came to the fore in the murder of singer Sidhu Musewala, who was killed in Punjab.

Lawrence Bishnoi, lodged in Tihar Jail, has been remanded by the Special Cell in an old case of the Arms Act. Delhi Police sources said that some questions have been asked to Bishnoi today in connection with the threat letter received outside actor Salman Khan's house.

Earlier, the Maharashtra Home Department boosted actor Salman Khan's security on Monday after he and his father, scriptwriter Salim Khan, received an anonymous threat letter the day before. After the letter was discovered, Mumbai Police filed an FIR against unknown people on Sunday, news agency ANI reported.

“Maharashtra Home Department strengthens actor Salman Khan's security after a threat letter was sent to him and his father Salim Khan yesterday, June 5,” news agency ANI tweeted on Monday. After the letter was discovered on Sunday, Mumbai Police informed the agency that an investigation was underway.

"Salim Khan follows a morning routine where he goes for a walk on the promenade accompanied by his security personnel. There's a location where he typically takes a break. A chit had been left behind on a bench," a police official acquainted with the case was quoted by TOI in its report. 

Salim's security team discovered the chit and handed it over to him. According to the report, the chit stated, "Moosa Wale jaisa kar dunga (Will make you like Moose Wala)."

The Bandstand area's CCTV video is also being examined by police. Last month, Sidhu Moose Wala was killed in Punjab.

Salman returned to Mumbai on Sunday after attending the IIFA Awards 2022 in Abu Dhabi. The event, which took place on Saturday, was hosted by Salman, Riteish Deshmukh, and Maniesh Paul.