New Delhi: Amid the conflict growing between the two countries Russia and Ukraine, Russia on Tuesday has placed sanctions on US officials including President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, CIA Director William Burns, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and ten other administration officials and political figures as reported by the news agency AFP.

"The measure is the consequence of the extremely Russophobic policy pursued by the current US administration," the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement.

"In the near future, new announcements will follow to expand the sanctions list by including top US officials, military, legislators, businessmen, experts and mediapersons, who are `Russophobic` or who contribute to inciting hatred towards Russia and the introduction of restrictive measures," the ministry said.

On March 3, the US has also declared sanctions on Russian oligarchs in an attempt to squeeze President Vladimir Putin as his attack of Ukraine proceeds.

The new penalties targeted individuals from the Russian elite, their families and close partners, removing them from the US monetary framework. 

"The goal is to maximise the impact on Putin," US President Joe Biden said earlier.

Meanwhile, Biden, today said that he would provide aid to Ukraine in the form of "arms, food and money" as Kyiv continued to resist Russia's invasion, which has entered its 20th day.

The US also expressed a desire to welcome the refugees "with open arms", as Ukrainians continue to flee the war-torn nation.

Biden Tweeted, "We will make sure Ukraine has weapons to defend against the invading Russian force. We will send money and food and aid to save Ukrainian lives. We will welcome Ukrainian refugees with open arms (sic)."

Russia's invasion of Ukraine that began on February 24 has killed many, displaced more than two million people, and sparked fears of a broader confrontation between the Kremlin and Washington, the world's two biggest nuclear powers. Russia's "military operation" in Ukraine is the most significant attack on a European state since World War II.